Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Conversations with Jess is going to be just that: a blog about conversations that I or others have with my autistic sister. As those of you who have worked with special needs kids before will know that they truly do say some of the darnedest things, and they help remind us that sometimes in life we just need to sit back, relax and have a good laugh or two. So I hope this blog helps you to do just that. I will also attach a link to donate to the national autism center if you would like to do so. Please, feel no need to donate, this is simply my way of attempting to give back a little bit, not only to (hopefully) the reader through these stories, but also to my sister and the other kids with mental disabilities who have touched my life. Finally, I would just like to say thank you for being here, and I hope you enjoy.

God Bless.
Lost and tired